I remember sitting in the Talmage Building some time during the Fall 2007 semester, bored out of my mind in Dr. Solovjav's calculus class. I inconspicuously pulled out my work computer, connected to Blogger, picked out a template, and created the now-famed The Book of Standage. I searched through our wedding photos for one to use as the header image.
Since then we have changed the look and feel of the blog only once. When we graduated from BYU and moved here to Iowa, we changed the header image with a more up-to-date picture (including Heather) and changed "the land of Provo" to "the land of Iowa." Other than that, it has been the same since we created the blog.
Well, Josh has been around for almost 9 months now, and Stephanie took some darn good family photos recently, so I figured it was about time to update the blog's look and feel again. This time I went for the whole kit and caboodle, not only changing the header graphic but also choosing a different template for a fresh new look. I chose a theme based on Iowa State's school colors, and then Stephanie (with her vast design experience) refined the color scheme so that it does not subconsciously incite feelings of anger in blog viewers. It's pretty much a
big deal.
Anyway, enough meta-blogging. We didn't take many pictures this week, but the few pictures Stephanie did take you can see on her photo blog.
PS Stay tuned at The Small Plates of Standage for an awesome new ice cream recipe. Stephanie made an absolutely scrumptious pumpkin pie ice cream last night using leftovers from Thanksgiving. Seriously, it rivaled my passion for chocolate and peanut butter. Stephanie didn't use a recipe or take any pictures though, so we probably won't post the recipe until after Christmas when we have some
more leftover pie!